jigsaw puzzle
p u z z l e   f o r  y o u r  a c h i e v e m e n t
jigsaw puzzle

Home page > Puzzle for tourist business > How to prepare preprint data

How to prepare preprint data

As we usually cooperate with professional designers and advertising agencies, we most often receive pre-prepared electronic compositions. For other customers, who cannot supply us with a composition ready for printing, we can make design from received photos or slides.

Which data format to use for your design

We accept all common formats of electronic data. We use PCs based on the Windows platform, as a result we prefer receiving input data in the following formats:

  • we prefer CorelDraw!
  • bitmaps (without text) in TIFF or JPG with only small compression, resolution at least 300 dpi
  • PostScript or PSD
  • QuarkXPress
  • AdobeIllustrator

A piece of advice regarding assembly

Although we work on personal computers, we are also able to emulate data from Macs, on the other hand we must admit that handling Mac data can be problematic.

As for sizes, please take into account bleed out when preparing data. You may download some useful patterns for puzzle and box assembly in the following section "Download". As for bitmaps in TIFF, please send them in adequate sizes in resolution 300 dpi, colours in CMYK (not RGB), vector graphic in CMYK (not RGB). When making composition, please do not use lines and text close to edges as we back puzzles in hand, uneven or little moved lines could look awful. Please do not insert text, logos or other symbols closer than 10 mm to clear size edges.


Here you can download some patterns for assembly:

jigsaw puzzle A6 / 48 piece: JPG (dimensioned drawing), CDR (Corel 5), AI (Ilustrator 5)

jigsaw puzzle A5 / 45 piece: JPG (dimensioned drawing), CDR (Corel 5), AI (Ilustrator 5)

jigsaw puzzle A4 / 90 piece: JPG (dimensioned drawing), CDR (Corel 5), AI (Ilustrator 5)

jigsaw puzzle A3 / 300 piece: JPG (dimensioned drawing), CDR (Corel 5), AI (Ilustrator 5)

box 275 × 192 × 43 mm:
JPG (dimensioned drawing), CDR (Corel 5), AI (Ilustrator 5)

box 450 × 220 × 55 mm:
JPG (dimensioned drawing), CDR (Corel 5), AI (Ilustrator 5)

  If you intend to order jigsaw puzzles or have any questions, please contact us.
  E-mail: puzzle@elli.cz, phone +420 604 278 432.


t3000.cz, Ltd., Kubelikova 1224/42, 13000 Prague 3, The Czech Republic
print: jigsaw puzzles, advertising jigsaw puzzles, souvenir jigsaw puzzles, jigsaw puzzles for your shops
e-mail: puzzle@elli.cz
phone: +420 604 278 432

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